Home From The Field Users: Always doing stuff you don’t tell them to.

Users: Always doing stuff you don’t tell them to.

Users: Always doing stuff you don’t tell them to.

A short laugh on a Friday Thursday.  So I’m the new guy in our department, and I get sent to the front desk to set up a switch.  I hook up all the cat 5 and politely ask to crawl under the desk and plug it in.  I quickly plug in the switch and head back to the safety of my desk.  I get a call 20 minutes later from the front desk.

“Can I turn my computer back on?”  I was confused for a moment until realizing she had shut down as she got out of my way.  I told her “yes.”  ::facepalm::

Why is it they always do things you don’t tell them to – and DON’T do things you DO tell them to? – Rob

[Picture Source: steverenouk (CC)]


  1. Better that she had the sense to shut down when you were doing something “Technical” and besides, if they all kept themselves turned off for an hour, that gives you some catch-up time.


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