Home Horror Stories Well, That’s A Dirty PC… [video]

Well, That’s A Dirty PC… [video]

Well, That’s A Dirty PC… [video]

…of course, everyone will invariably respond with “You haven’t seen anything yet,” or “What – you’ve never worked in a warehouse that makes x,” or “stop hacking into my webcam, you big creep!” – er, so I say unto you:  Videos or pics, please!

I gotta say though – nothing makes a computer look spiffier than a good air compressor.

via: [LiveLeak]


  1. Been there, done that, many times. Worst one was just after a remodel of an office that involved putting some new hole through an exterior wall made of brick. There was so much brick dust inside the computer it look like it had been spray painted red.

    I notice he is careful with the fans, though, as he should be. It’s not hard with a compressor to spin the fans fast enough to toast the bearings.


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