Home Uncategorized Wake up, grab a brush and put on a little makeup


  1. This one keyboard in the back of a lab at school was full of crumbs and syrup… it was gross. My mom’s phone is the thing that always has makeup on it though. Why do people press their phone against their face when they talk? If you are doing something and hold it with your shoulder, okay, but if your hands are free hold it a bit away. It’s bad for you because dirt and nasty stuff (phones generally aren’t very sanitary) gets on your face skin and bad for the phone because it gets oils from your skin and any makeup or dirt you may have on you in and on it.

  2. My system at work gets pretty gross, but I work in a steel fabrication shop. The grime is mostly iron oxide. Even though I clean it every couple of weeks, it’s usually filthy.


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