Home IT Humor Geeky Pics You Never Know What You’ll Find At A Users Desk [pic]


  1. Like a rhinestone keyboard
    Typing for and while loops to control my C++ flow
    Like a rhinestone keyboard
    Getting unknown software from sources I don’t even know
    And data comin’ over the phone

  2. That looks rather uncomfortable for those who rest their palms on the keyboard, and kinda tacky. But I don’t work there 🙂

  3. That’s as bad as the person here that used a roll-up keyboard. If I had to type on that thing for more than 5 minutes to fix her problem, I would have shot myself.

  4. Cannot see that being very comfortable, I remember someone having something similar and as if that wasn’t bad enough it was wireless which is what caused the problem, their foot rest they brought in broke the usb clear off and broke the port…


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