Home Horror Stories You know it’s going to be a good day when…


  1. Gotta love the user’s for their imagination. You ought to buy them one of those kids toys where you fit the shapes into their associated holes. Probably wouldn’t help though

  2.  why fix it ? chances are that the user who was dumb enough to do this, is too stupid to use whatever software maybe installed via CD … and how much does this tech get paid anyways ?  After unit-removal, diss-assembly, picture taking, and posting online etc., then re-assembly etc., I’m guess he wasted more money than a CDROM is actually worth. Dumb all around.  I would fire the moron user along with the tech. 

    • Granted they are now $20, but at one time, they were in the $100 range. One of the easiest fixes was using a rubber band to replace a broken belt. Not that hard to take out 4 screws and do a little investigative work.

    • Granted they are now $20, but at one time, they were in the $100 range. One of the easiest fixes was using a rubber band to replace a broken belt. Not that hard to take out 4 screws and do a little investigative work.

  3. I’m not surprised in the slightest. When I worked as a school IT technician, it’s amazing what you’d find hiding in floppy disk drives (floppy dust covers, coins, sweets, sweet wrappers, paper, gum…) or even in the cases themselves. Take an unloved IT room in a remote corner of the school, use it almost entirely for cross-curricular IT lessons and the “alternative curriculum” set, and you find cables swapped, blanking plates (both plastic and the metal ones behind) removed, creatively rearranged keyboard keys (usually to spell out an expletive, but someone once moved all the number keys one space to the left – genius!), castrated mice (back in the days when they had balls rather than LEDs)…

    Oh, and if the PSUs have voltage selector switches, make sure you superglue them in place 🙂

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