Home IT Humor From the Drawers of the FailDesk From the Drawers of the FailDesk, November 7th, 2012

From the Drawers of the FailDesk, November 7th, 2012

From the Drawers of the FailDesk, November 7th, 2012

I’m on the case!

A user called the Help Desk for a password reset.  I asked he to try the default which is the last four of your social security number.  The user asked, is that case sensitive?

Think first, talk later.

I do tech support but I get asked anything and everything to do with anything electronic, including this gem.

“Can I recharge non-rechargable batteries?”

A long time ago, by an vague intern in an office far, far away…

So I am playing musical computers the other day due to specialized hardware on one of the workstations, when I come across this Post-It on one machine, which simply says “Computer is having issues getting on Internet/random folders (like ‘shares’)” Nothing like a vague note that’s been there who knows how long, left by an unknown intern.



  1. The crazy thing is that you can recharge non-rechargeable batteries. But you need a special charger and there is a danger of the battery leaking.

    • True. I did a school work on the matter, and I was able to recharge carbon-zinc batteries without problem. The key is charging with AC, where the negative phase is 1/10th of the positive phase, discharging the battery a bit before charging again.


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