Home Celebration Ahoy Mateys! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day [celebration]

Ahoy Mateys! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day [celebration]

Ahoy Mateys! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day [celebration]

Wishing you scurvy dogs a happy Talk Like A Pirate Day. Here are some handy terms to help you get through the day sounding like a pirate-pro. Head over to our Facebook page and show us your pirate celebrations.

  1. All hands hoay=Everyone get on the deck
  2. Avast ye=Pay attention
  3. Ahoy, matey=Hello, friend
  4. Hornswaggle=To cheat
  5. Poop deck=Deck that is the highest and farthest back
  6. Scallywag=A name that is used as an insult to someone
  7. Son of a biscuit eater=An insult

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from the Noun Project



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