I work as a network technician for the US Army. Sometimes, we have some interesting conversations with users when they want to argue with us about troubleshooting. This was a conversation between one of my co-workers and one of our more… Special users….
LT- “Chief, there’s a BIG system issue that won’t allow people to login to the ****NET and after three tries they are locked out. Can you fix this?”
Chief- “Does the error say wrong username and password?”
Lt- “Yes.”
Chief- “The issue is the users are typing their passwords incorrectly, it’s not a system issue. Once they do it wrong three times, they are locked out.”
Lt- “But it’s happened to several people, it’s a ****NET issue.”
Chief- “No, it’s a USER issue. We might need to make the default password easier for some of the ‘special’ users.”
LT- “But it happened to me, too.”
Chief- “… your new password is Password123. Try now.”