Monday, March 17, 2025

Monthly Archives: January, 2012

White Out

Thank you Mark for this great picture from the field. Seems like printers are in the spotlight a lot recently.

I’d rather be fixing a mail server. Really, I would.

We have one particular user who is pretty high up in our company (ok, the highest) and as such, we are often tasked with...

The Web Site is Down: Sales Demolition

Another gem by our friends at theWebSiteIsDown - again, definitely NSFW. Most definitely AWESOME. Want something awesome but don't like NSFW? Here ya go. [youtube] via:...

Damn you,Toshiba

Mr. Vista: 1-800-SUPPORT

I realize these are old, but they are still hilarious! Happy Monday, everyone. [youtube]

Can I Have A WIFI Cable? [story]

This particular job gave us a giggle this morning; user reported this in our helpdesk system. "Hi, Please could i have a cable to connect...

Sitting Near The Printer Sucks [pic]

My office is right near the printer and I can't stand it. I wish this was my idea. via:  

Did You Take A Screenshot? Yes. [pic]


What did he say?

Wait, maybe the periods in his sentences are invisible like the disappeared hard drive!  via:  

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