
We get no respect: The Hospital Upgrade

Today was fun… As many of you know, I work in a hospital. Recently, a life-cycle exchange was done for about 35 old Dells we had in many of the offices and some of the ORs. In addition to scrambling to ensure a lot of functionality with contracted devices, my users decided to make the following comments/questions/concerns/demands over the last 2 days. With me, doing most of this alone, and pulling 12 hour days and having a cold. Today I know just about where my limit is for how much of this I can take…

So there you have it. Halfway through my day and I’ve had to resist the urge to tell 6-7 people to shove their head into an orifice of choice breathe deep. Most of them don’t mean to inflict the stress on me that they have, I understand, but at least listen to me when I say I’m doing my best to support 35 new PCs in 2 hours and I find your trivial demand stressful.

via: [Reddit\TalesFromTechSupport]
[Picture Source: Tourist on Earth (CC)]

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