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HomeContestSpiceworks: Return of the cable closet contest!

Spiceworks: Return of the cable closet contest!


If you’re some sort of weirdo and enjoy pics of nasty network closets or maybe your thing is staring at super organized patch panels *sicko!* then I suggest you head on over to the Spiceworks Community and check out their latest contest…

Here are the details as of March 5th, 2012:

Back in 2008 Jen ran one of our first contests, the Cable Closet Contest. It was such a success that we decided to do an updated version for 2012. Back then we didn’t have much of a prize hopper, so the prizes were cable ties in Spiceworks orange. Fast forward to 2012 and we have some generous sponsors providing the following prizes:

Please take a moment to show your appreciation to our sponsors by following their pages and posting a thank you on their discussion walls.

The contest will have the following categories, and the winner of each category will get one of the prizes above. The submission with the most votes overall across all categories will also win the free admission to SpiceWorld 2012:

  • Most in Need of Help – worst tangle of cables you’ve ever seen
  • Most Organized – every cable tied and organized
  • Most Improved – post before and after shots of your closet after you’ve been inspired by this contest to clean it up

How Do I Enter?

  • Reply to this topic and attach a photo (maximum size 500KB)
  • In your reply, tell the story of how your closet or server room ended up in the state it is in
  • Post your submission by Monday March 19th at high noon CDT

How Do I Win?

Once the submission period is over the Spiceworks selection committee will choose the finalists for each category. We’ll have a community voting period for the finalists open from March 21st through March 28th and announce the winners on March 29th.

The contest link can be found *** here *** – Hey, be a gem: if you do join, click my referral link (I just get community prestige points, nothing more!).

Also, be sure to tell them FailDesk sent ya!