OH MY. This takes me back…!
Some memories:
- Doom: Crashing the college computer lab while playing it over the crappy SPX/IPX stack.
- Wolfenstein: Playing the hell out of it at the computer store on a demo machine.
- Descent: Getting so effing lost when all I had to do was turn my ship over.
- Duke Nukem 3D: Pipe bombs and low-res strippers.
- Rise of the Triad: Atomic Bark.
- Command & Conquer: Easily discovered that there was a limit on tanks in one level.
- Quake: Replacing the already awesome Trent Reznor soundtrack with my own Slayer and/or Kiss it Goodbye CD during gameplay.
- Star Wars: Dark Forces: My friend (who is a Star Wars freak staying over and up all night playing this, even after I went to bed.
- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: The Babel fish puzzle. Damn the Babel fish puzzle. Damn it straight to hell.
- Bioforge: I think I got to the 3rd puzzle in the game and gave up…I remember firing a cannon, and that is it.
Click the image to get to the hi-res version – it’s worth it!
via: [GAS via Reddit]