Sunday, March 16, 2025

Monthly Archives: January, 2012

404 Not Found

IT humor is my life and here is a good example of the type of humor that warms my heart.*wipes tear from corner of...

Confounding key combo conundrum

I was working in a large agriculture & construction equipment company as a contracted desktop support technician back in '97 or so.  We were...

Lost In Translation [pic]

Nothing like a good transcribed voicemail to clear things up...oh Google you're so funny.

Math Skills: Intact [pic]

Found in the TechNet forums... My favorite response: via

Monitor != Computer

First and foremost I found this site and love it!  This is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. I landed my first IT...

Clever Windows “Virus” Vid & Tune Made with Windows .WAVs

It runs on a bit long, but you'll get the point after about 30 seconds. Still...very clever! [youtube]

Classic: Windows 98 demo goes…um…as you’d expect

Since we at FailDesk are attempting to chronicle and archive some of the biggest IT blunders on the 'Net, I give you this awesome...


They are certainly using the FAT filesystem, hmm?

We All Know “That One Guy” [story]

If you work in IT you know which guy I'm talking about. He's the one that corners you and asks you all sorts of...

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