Wednesday, February 19, 2025

This Is Not How Backups Work [story]

We finished a 30+ page site for a client only to receive a phone call from a very upset client.

Client: Help! The new website is not working right!

Me: What seems to be the problem? Everything seems to be working fine on our end.

Client: We’re trying to print all the pages out and they look terrible when they’re on paper!

Me: Why are you printing the website out?

Client: Well, two reasons – first is that our CEO doesn’t like computers. He will only approve your work if we print it out for him.

Me: I’m not sure that’s going to work – websites are meant just to be displayed on computer monitors. What’s the second reason for printing it out?

Client: We wanted to make a backup in case your site goes down.

via: [ClientsFromHell]