Sunday, March 16, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2012

Never Overestimate the User

I just wrapped up helping a seemingly tech savvy user put the finishing touches on his new PC installation. All seemed to go as...

Spam Busters

Dave Chappelle is one funny dude, his skit "if the internet was a real place" is absolutely side splitting. The entire clip is not really appropriate to...

nbeed a nbew keybnoard bnow [pic]

Two keystrokes for the price of one!

404 Not Found

IT humor is my life and here is a good example of the type of humor that warms my heart.*wipes tear from corner of...

Confounding key combo conundrum

I was working in a large agriculture & construction equipment company as a contracted desktop support technician back in '97 or so.  We were...

Lost In Translation [pic]

Nothing like a good transcribed voicemail to clear things up...oh Google you're so funny.

Math Skills: Intact [pic]

Found in the TechNet forums... My favorite response: via

Monitor != Computer

First and foremost I found this site and love it!  This is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen. I landed my first IT...

Clever Windows “Virus” Vid & Tune Made with Windows .WAVs

It runs on a bit long, but you'll get the point after about 30 seconds. Still...very clever! [youtube]

Classic: Windows 98 demo goes…um…as you’d expect

Since we at FailDesk are attempting to chronicle and archive some of the biggest IT blunders on the 'Net, I give you this awesome...

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