Home Featured 11 Reasons Why Your IT Tech Might Just Despise You [info]

11 Reasons Why Your IT Tech Might Just Despise You [info]

11 Reasons Why Your IT Tech Might Just Despise You [info]

Don’t get me wrong.  I like to help folks out – but its the users that don’t really think before they call us that get me.  Somewhat on the heels of “10 things your IT guy wants you to know,” I present to you some pet peeves I’ve experienced personally.

11. You get pissed off and hang up on IT because they asked you to “open a ticket” because they were already busy with something and didn’t want to forget what it was you called about.

10. You keep asking IT “when is the server going to be up,” but instead only delaying the server repair by doing this every 5 minutes because you have a report to get out.  You’re acting like a pop-up ad.  Stop it.

9. You ask IT to train everyone on how to use the calendaring system, but you don’t show up to training because you don’t know how to use the calendaring system; making you by far the worst offender.

8. You can’t find your battery for your laptop and blame IT because they “never gave you one.”

7. You keep submitting tickets to IT asking for “more coffee” or alerting them that “a customer threw up in the lobby.”

6. You submit tickets with information like “Computer not working” or “Internet is broken” with no additional details.  Thanks.

5. You complain about how your “monitor doesn’t look right” and how “IT always messes up your computer” after they came in and completely restored your system because you infected your computer with a virus…this occurring AFTER being explicitly told “NOT to open that attachment” in yesterday’s email.

4. You keep figuring out ways of removing administrative privileges from your computer because you “don’t trust anyone.”

3. You complain your “laptop NEVER works right” as you drop it on IT’s desk from a height of 2 feet, when in fact the wireless switch was turned off.  By you.

2. You call IT to “do you a favor” and figure out how to work your way around the web filter so you can shop for Victoria’s Secret merchandise during work hours.

1. You call IT for an emergency on Christmas because you can’t get your son’s iPod connected to your wireless network.


  1. In a variant of #1, I have one location that won’t tell me when things are broken at all. Ever. After something has been not working for two or three *months*, they’ll call my boss and complain that it hasn’t been fixed. Or, rather, they used to. They are the reason we even have a trouble ticket system. Now, they do that, and my boss just asks them “Is there a trouble ticket on that?” and laughs at them when the answer it “no.”

    Yes, I do like my job, and the people I work for. A lot.

    • THIS. So much this.

      Some clients don’t call until the issue has persisted for weeks on end and dutifully ignored until it becomes a serious issue; then it’s an “emergency, has to work right away!”

  2. Heh, As a Tech/ design support agent, I have my own variety of this; 1. Don’t call me and yell because you are too inept to use one of the 3 buttons in the WYSIWYG Web development app we provide. 2. If you don’t understand what an address bar is, you are not a web developer, hire a professional 3. If your website looks like shit because you have no taste and can barely click a mouse, it is not my fault, it is not the fault of the program, it is your fault. 4. Generally speaking I am willing to spend the time to help you out, but if you scream at me, the help I am going to give you will be the most minimal I can get away with and not get fired. 5. It’s not my fault you are ranked more than 3 pages in on google, I don’t work for google, but i can probably tell you it is your crap understanding of how the internet works that is partially at fault for a design that is causing you loss in views. 6. While we provide a storage unit (IE Hosting) we are not responsible for the contents you put in the storage unit, nor are we responsible for what others put in their storage on other hosts. 7. I am not psychic, asking me if I can see what you are doing on you computer when you are hundreds of miles away from me exposes how likely it is that you did not pass any high-school science classes. 8. I (or my company) will not censor the internet because someone put up negative reviews. Next. 9. Again, do not yell at me because Outlook/ your phone/ your internet connection/ your computer doesn’t work the way you want it to. I am not responsible for its behavior on your computer at home. 10. Please make sure you are pressing the right button in the prompts. Don’t be angry when I have to transfer you because you are in the wrong place.

  3. Here’s a fun game! Pick one person that you support, now see how many of these annoyances that one person causes. Can you think of one person that does ALL of these things? I can..

  4. Yup 1 has happened, they couldn’t get the iPod on the campus network cause they hadn’t registered their MAC address. Which they argued their iPod did not have.

  5. One of the worst id10t cases I know of had the following conversation:
    User: My new computer won’t come on.  The screen is dark.
    IT:  Are any of the monitor or CPU lights on?
    User:  No.
    IT:  Is it plugged in?  Check to make sure.  The connection might be loose.
    User:  I can’t.  It’s too dark.
    IT:  Turn on a light?
    User:  Can’t.  The electricity is off.

    • He he he. Variant of that (and yes it happened) Power goes out. User calls IT Cell (Cisco phones lost power too) saying their monitors aren’t working. We tell them the power’s out and they come back with “well the laptop’s working fine, it’s just the monitors that are out. We ask: Are the monitors powered by the laptop or do you plug them into the wall? Still not getting it: “Into the wall, can I get an adapter to run them off the laptop battery?” Head banging into desk commences….. We ask. “Did you open the laptop lid?” “No, but….oh that’s better. But I really want to use two monitors, can you still get me the adapter?”

      Next day: Doughnuts magically appear!

  6. I’m only a student, 17, but certified with A+ and Network+ and Almost my CCENT and this is how I feel all the time with my family, or with my teachers because I’m the IT guy and they don’t want to ask the Technical Coordinator at our school.

  7. I don’t work in IT but as for #7 – when you call the 1-800 tech support hotline at my work the very first thing the robot voice tells you is that “If you are calling about coffee or coffee related services please hang up and cal …..”. I always found that really strange but now it all makes sense…

  8. My favorite is, “No one have ever told/shown me that.” , even when I know for a fact I have told/shown you that 4 times last year.

  9. I’ve been lucky and never had too bad of a user base. It’s been mostly big corp work and small business owners who know being divas only harm themselves.

  10. I’m glad I have my own tech biz and only deal with business clients now. They’re not stupid. I’ve been called on Christmas at one of my old jobs and I asked the person if they were f-ing crazy. Almost got written up for that even though it was outside of work. Stupid.

  11. “My computer runs slow, can you fix it?”

    “This isn’t what I drew for you as a website mock-up”
    “Yes, sir, it is. It’s the best I could do with the pencil and paper drawing.”
    “I can send you the files I want on the website instead.”
    “Okay! Send them over and I’ll put then up right away.”
    “What’s your mailing address? By the way, I’ll need these back.”
    (files were HAND WRITTEN essays and photos never scanned.)

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