Home Horror Stories Fail tech level: advanced

Fail tech level: advanced

Fail tech level: advanced

Here’s one to appeal to our Linux readers… – Rob

So, inspired by the “facepalm” thread (on the Spiceworks forums), I thought I would chime in with one of my all-time classics.

Needed to update a package on a server. Dependency check fails on krb5. No problem, remove it and install the latest version (update did not work – red flag #1). So, “sudo yum -y erase krb5 krb5-utils”….. massive scrolling wall of text, then, I see it.

“Erasing: sudo”

“Erasing” coreutils”

F**K F**K F**K…. CTRL-C, CTRL-C, oh please God CTRL-C

Finally CTRL-C works and I have a prompt.

“sudo su -”

“command not found”

oh crap

“su -”

root promt>yum -y install sudo

“command not found”

Whoops. Oh yeah, this is a PRODUCTION server. Datacenter has no media. So I drive down there with our media and a kickstart file, just in case. I was able to restore the system by interrogating the yum log and reinstalling the missing packages via the RPMs on the media. But, holy donkey balls that was a butt clencher.

Double facepalm.

via: [Spiceworks Community]

Picture Source: dotjay (CC)]


  1. Hehe… I did worse… but lucky me it was only a dev server.
    I went in a folder to erase it’s content… and well… biggest typo of my life: I forgot/didn’t press the dot key hard enough…
    So it went like: rm -rf /* (instead of rm -rf ./*)
    Oh and the users/permissions weren’t set properly on the server… so we were always “sudo bash”‘ing, so yeah I was in root mode šŸ˜€

    It’s kinda funny how useless a linux machine becomes once you’ve erased the /bin folder…
    > ls
    Command not found
    > cd ..
    Command not found

    And it happened on THE big day we were sending online that website we’d been working on for the past year or so…
    Luckily we had already sent everything on the production server the day before, we were just handling the last details before making it publicly available, so this accident didn’t delay us much.
    Needless to say I’ve stoped using ./ since this accident… Especially when deleting things… (and the rm command kinda makes me nervous now)

  2. This is precisely why forcing yes on all queries is *NEVER F… EVER* a good thing. That tapping a few y’s and enters when you won’t force will save you a lot of headaches.


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